Vulnerability is a psychological quality
Publicado el sábado, 20 de julio de 2019
To let us be fragile is an act of daring. At the end of the day, strong is not the one who can endure the mask of absolute bliss the most or the one who can endure the mask of absolute bliss the most. Strong is he who allows himself to be proved what he feels, assuming failures and wounds.
Vulnerability, in addition to what we have been told, is a psychological value, another face of our reality as humans that, as such, deserves to be admitted. With it, we not only accept one more part of our sensitive cosmos, but in addition to this, we facilitate a more intimate connection in unison with everything that surrounds us.
It takes enormous strength to let us be fragile. A planet where security, efficiency or strength are valued so much, he who dares in an instant to let go of his armour of apparent perfection undoubtedly patentifies a remarkable boldness. And that he does, does not prove a defeat or an act of weakness.
Vulnerability, and this is worth remembering, is not an indisposition, it is not a lack of strength or personal courage. We are facing one more side of the human character. It is, in essence, one more part of our nature, where we can be more sensitive to our needs and, on the other hand, be better able to sympathize with pain and strange sensitive realities.
"I am very grateful for feeling fragile, because it implies that I am alive.
-René Brown-
We are not superheroes, we are people (the power of vulnerability)
Mario Benedetti asserted that perfection is nothing more than a polished compilation of faults. However, let's face it, people have a hard time admitting the mistakes, the mishaps and the changes in meaning that fate sometimes brings. Somehow, society has accustomed us to navigate the clean cosmos of appearances, of those masks where to pretend resolution and good humor when from the inside, beat the fears, sadness and anxieties.
In this way, and from a certain cultural point of view, sensitive and even physical vulnerability always and at all times has a scornful and even shameful imprint. Whoever in a given instant distances himself from that mold characterized by perfection, strength and resolution -which accepts doubt and failure as parts of the game-, comes to feel bad about himself because he does not adjust to what society expects and strengthens.
On the other hand, it is curious that on the planet of literature, poetry or the existential philosophy of authors such as Martin Heidegger, vulnerability was understood in a more precise and edifying way. Books such as Robert D. Stolorow's, Planet, Affectivity, Trauma, reminds us that this dimension is one more area of our existence. At the end of the day, we are all finite, sensitive, mortal and wandering.
20/07/2019 12:09 | Rotero