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Call COSME 2019

Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises

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Convocatoria Cosme 2019

Convocatoria Cosme 2019

The objective of this call for proposals is to turn EntreComp into an action to add value to user communities at the local, regional and national levels. The objective of this initiative is to bring together relevant actors in various countries to create a collaborative community that will explore how the framework can function as a catalyst and a tool, to foster the entrepreneurial skills of young people and citizens in general. It is essential to help public authorities, educational institutions and the private sector use the results of EntreComp collaboratively.


The activities supported by this call for proposals are described below. All activities are obligatory.

Activity 1: Establishment of national, regional or local collaborative communities.

Activity 2: Organization of workshops, round tables, seminars and regular dialogues within

Activity 3: Design a strategy for new learning opportunities and support services based on collaborative communities between companies

Activity 4: Development of learning opportunities based on learning outcomes in EntreComp

Activity 5: Test new approaches to develop and evaluate entrepreneurship competencies

Activity 6: Communication and exchanges at European level.

Deadline for submission of proposals: August 22, 2019

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