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Resins and Grouts application

mortero grout
Alphatec Engineering

Alphatec Engineering

Publicado el jueves, 18 de junio de 2020 a las 14:50

Reliability engineers know that the four most common imbalance and high vibration failures are associated with:

  1. Improper installation
  2. Inadequate thermal compensation
  3. Problems related to the base of the structure
  4. Pipe tension.

More specifically 90% of the failures of the bases are due to their instability, and this occurs due to improper installation (incorrect flatness) and/or the use of inappropriate materials.

That is the reason for using correct materials and specialists at the beginning, will save money in the long run.

Your machine in expert hands and solid foundations

While the foundation of your critical machinery is often underappreciated, it is extremely important to have a structurally sound foundation. Our Epoxy Grout in green Alphatec®️ 800 is one of the products that we manufacture, sells and installs for critical machinery. 

All the Green Epoxy Grout Power with Alphatec Engineering!

Choice of grout material is very important to ensure complete integrity and a properly installed epoxy grout will function well for the remaining economic life of the machine, which can easily be 50 years or more.

For more information on the application of resins and grouts application do not hesitate to contact us through the form available on our website: Alphatec Engineering.

Alphatec Engineering provides high-quality products and services that improve the quality of critical machinery concrete foundations across a broad range of industrial markets around the world.

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